Reliquary: Maria's Key to Home -- representation of the journey of my Italian grandmother (nonna) who travelled across the Atlantic, alone, to connect with her future husband in the United States. Eventually, finding the "key" to her home.

Home Land -- the traditional image of a "home," with references to comfort, roots, continuity, the sense of security, feeding our souls and a chance to rest. Bubble wrap and "houses to rent" ads suggest the ever present change that will come.
These are two of the three pieces that were accepted by the jury for the "Home: Loving it, Losing It, Leaving" Exhibition sponsored by the Michigan Chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art. The WCA is a national arts organization whose mission is to support women in the visual arts professions. WCA has focused attention on the contributions of women and people of color throughout the history of art. WCA has affiliates in over 40 states. Being juried into this show is a great honor for me--and all three pieces! The third piece that was accepted is "Dumpster Reclamation" which appears in a previous blog.
This show asked the questions,"What does it mean to families, children women and men to lose their physical surroundings? Home is often considered the "woman's domain." What does it feel like to lose that center of control? Is there freedom in leaving everything behind?"
This exhibit is hosted by The Gallery in the Duderstadt Center on the North Campus at the University of Michigan. For more information about the gallery, etc. go to: www.dc.umich.edu.
The opening reception will be May 8, 2009 (6 - 8 pm).
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